The Oaks Center

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes! And much more.

The Oaks Center offers online courses either independently or in concert with our other offerings. We provide a custom-developed combination of on-site professional development, one-on-one personal work, group sessions, webinar-style presentations, remote support sessions via video or remote desktop, and online coursework with the support of our Instructional Design and Management team.

The Oaks Center strives in all cases to develop and provide exactly the right set of services, opportunities and formats for each of our particular client organization’s needs.


Completion certificates are provided to everyone who completes one of our courses, and we are working with schools and school districts to make sure that those certificates of completion will be accepted as proof of continuing education and taken into account as teachers pursue professional advancement.

We’re also working on cooperative arrangements with accredited instiutions to provide micro-credentialing.

We’re working on it!

We believe that everyone should have access to professional development and educational resources. In fact, those with the least usually need these services the most. Unfortunately, the economic reality is that those with the most can more easily get the most, and we are dedicated to helping to solve that problem.


You can get support from one of our professional development experts by making an appointment for a virtual appointment online. Free support is available for anyone taking one of our courses, and paid consultations are available to everyone.