Evergreen School District, San Jose, California
Oaks Center personnel provided strategic and material consulting support for the Evergreen School District’s Teacher Induction Program Staff and Director in their required re-accreditation effort, as specified by the California State Teacher Induction Program Requirements. Completion of the District’s re-accreditation is anticipated in mid-2024.
Gateway Public Schools, San Francisco, California
Oaks Center personnel created, designed, and managed the Gateway Public Schools’ Teacher Induction Program to align with the California State Teacher Induction Program Requirements, and successfully led the institution through the approval process, over an approximately three-year period. The same personnel are currently designing and managing the real-world implementation process for the Gateway program.
Drew School, San Francisco, California
Oaks Center personnel supported the Academic Dean and Dean of Faculty in planning and facilitating a whole-school curricular shift. We partnered with department teams through the associated course design and created and facilitated all elements of related faculty professional development. Identified additional support needs, and provided in-person, virtual, one-on-one, and group learning partner support throughout the process.
Tulare County Office of Education, Visalia, California
Oaks Center personnel created and conducted Instructor Workshops, Professional Development Programs, and acted as the Primary Consultant to the continued development and implementation of the Tulare County Teacher and Administrator Preparation Accreditation Program as required by the State of California.
Reach University, San Francisco, California and
Oxford Teachers’ College, Oxford, United Kingdom
Oaks Center personnel managed the redesign of the Reach University Teacher Induction Program to align with California State Induction Program requirements. Planned, organized, and executed operations, services, and support for program implementation, and developed undergraduate and graduate courses. We also onboarded and trained university professors to teach these courses and managed a UK-based team to develop and pilot multiple Oxford University Tutorial Method workshop series for secondary school educators, which is currently being implemented in schools on four continents.
Hawaii Lab Cohort, Honolulu, Hawaii
Oaks Center personnel piloted a teacher-learning cohort in the San Francisco Bay Area and co-presented at the 2019 International Literacy Association Annual Conference in New Orleans. We scaled the HLC model to an international level to guide schools and districts through creating and maintaining HLC teacher-learning communities, designed to create renewal and accountability for continuous professional development.
North Coast School of Education, Santa Rosa, California
Oaks Center personnel facilitated focus group exit interviews with Intern and Administrative Credential program candidates from a range of locations covering most of Northern California. We conducted analysis of gathered perception data to identify and develop mitigation strategies for program strengths and gaps, reported qualitative analysis and proscribed specific necessary improvements based on interview data and participant experiences.